About Forever Gold


  • A choice-based narrative Your words and actions effect the world and the people around you, and consequences may range from "inconsequential" to "catastrophic geopolitical scandal."
  • Shape the sort of man Quincy will become with the traits system The narrative takes recognizes trends in your behavior and characters in the world will react accordingly. If you never stop talking about rocks... you will eventually become known as "that guy who never stops talking about rocks."
  • Get to know a nuanced and varied cast Form relationships – friendly or otherwise – with your fellow travelers in the Prince Convoy.
  • Loads and loads of art Forever Gold is bursting at the seams with detailed character portraits and illustrations.
  • Play in either "human" or "snout mode" Select one of two different "skins" for the cast (human or anthro) depending on whether you want to spend the game looking at dog-men or men-men.
  • Level up and improve your skills (or don't) Gain experience by completing story quests and invest your points across five skills, improving your chance at rolls and unlocking further dialogue options. Alternatively, withold your stat bonuses and crawl through the narrative as a pathetic worm who bungles every action you attempt - you'll live. Probably.

Extended Synopsis

The Tri-Kingdom of Vestur is divided along two lines: the nobility, wielders of meur (the proper scientific name for the force which is erroneously called “magic” by ignorant foreigners) with blessed blood, and the commoners – those who lack this gift.

The land has enjoyed a scientific and economical enlightenment for the past fifty years. The study of meur is in its golden age. Alas, this progress is built on the backs of the peasantry - and when the subjects of the Northern Kingdom tire of being exploited in artifact mines that fuel the growing meur demands of the nobility, they make their grievances known. Following an act of terrorism, The Tri-Kingdom is left in disarray and fractured opinion over these “Brothers of the Bare Hand” and their mysterious masked leader, Lazarus. What was before a simmer of dissent over long-standing injustices has erupted into a boiling pot of unrest.

In such times, a Prince Convoy is called: a tradition in Vestur where the heirs of the country’s rulers travel the land to solve problems and broker peace. You, Duke Quintrell Barghur, second heir to the Northern Kingdom, find yourself looped into the convoy as the Prince’s Right Hand: the Convoy’s main decision maker.

You’re a bad enough choice: Royal Military Academy school dropout, antisocial mine inspector, black meur-wielding anomaly, and social pariah. But to make things worse, you are also burdened with the haretouch: a curse which entwines you with death and the baneful creatures known as “hares.” And yet, against all reason, the fate of the Tri-Kingdom rests on your ability to people-please and gain political advantage in an increasingly fractured climate.

At least you have an array of friends and colleagues in the Convoy to advise and encourage you... unless, of course, they have grown sick of your decisions themselves.

The Developers

BroncoBurro/Dan - The project lead, creator, head writer, head artist, and general mastermind behind the project.

LSDolphin/LS - The co-writer, editor, utility designer, colorist, and “whatever else must be done” second set of hands.

We are both artists, writers, and programmers - so we both do a bit of everything. The division of labor is cut more along the lines of “what needs to be done right now” rather than by skillset, although for the sake of keeping a consistent look the Official Art is drawn (or at least sketched/lined) by Dan.